Can I Retire at 66 on $900k in a Roth IRA and $2,200 a Month From Social Security?

by skolnes

Can I Retire at 66 on $900k in a Roth IRA and $2,200 a Month From Social Security?

Retiring at 66 with $900,000 in a Roth IRA and $2,200 in Social Security benefits likely is a reasonable plan for many retirees. The income you could reasonably expect to generate from your Roth withdrawals, coupled with your Social Security benefit, probably will be somewhat more than the typical retiree’s expenses. You can likely expect to be able to pay your bills as long as you live without taking on undue risk of running out of money. This is not a guarantee, however. High inflation could eat into the purchasing power of your Roth withdrawals, or you might experience unexpected expenses, such as for long-term care.

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To start with the income side of your retirement budget, you could likely withdraw $36,000 from your Roth IRA the first year of retirement, then increase that amount by the annual rate of inflation every year thereafter. This is the prescription of the 4% rule, a guideline followed by many financial planners that suggests you can withdraw that percentage of a conservatively invested portfolio yearly for approximately 30 years with only minimal risk of running out of money. Since $900,000 times 4% is $36,000, this is the indicated amount of your first annual withdrawal. For subsequent years, you’ll have to make assumptions about your portfolio growth and inflation rates to calculate an appropriate withdrawal.

Your Social Security is similarly straightforward, up to a point. One strong plus of Social Security is that it is inflation-adjusted, with benefits increasing each year according to a cost-of-living adjustment. One potential downside of relying on Social Security is that at a future point, currently estimated to occur at around the year 2035, it may be necessary to reduce Social Security benefits by approximately 20%. It is far from certain that this will happen, as there are numerous fixes available, but it is a possibility. For the moment, assume that your annual retirement income will be $62,400, consisting of $36,000 from your Roth and $26,400, equal to $2,200 monthly, from Social Security.

A financial advisor can help you calculate projections of your retirement income based on different scenarios. Get matched with a financial advisor for free.

Your expenses in retirement can vary widely according to your specific location, health status and preferred lifestyle, among other factors. To start with location, the amount of annual income retirees live on in the United States ranges from $20,542 in Indiana to $36,023 in Alaska. Overall, retirement income averaged $27,617, but that included the District of Columbia, a significant outlier where retirees average $43,080 in annual income.

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